Somerset Public Schools


It is the policy of the Somerset Public School Committee to welcome the use of the school facilities by the community for purposes directly related to the educational, civic, cultural, recreational and social life of the community. The School Committee recognizes that the primary purpose of school facilities is to implement instructional, extracurricular, and school-sponsored programs and that other usage shall not interfere with these programs. While the Somerset Public Schools (SPS) were established for the primary purposes of facilitating the instructional programs for our students, the building and surrounding outdoor facilities are available for use after regular school hours and weekends for many types of activities. Under the direction of the Superintendent, the building Principal or his/her designee will determine the eligibility and approval of the use of all school district facilities. The Superintendent must also approve all applications for facility usage. Programs and activities of users must be of a nature suitable for a public school, must be lawful, and must conform to all of the usage policies of Somerset Public Schools. Somerset Public Schools will not accept any advance payments from any group, organization or institutions from outside the Town of Somerset in an attempt to circumvent the preference stated above. The user of the facility will hold Somerset Public Schools and its agents and representatives harmless for any liability of any nature whatsoever resulting from use of the premises. The user must have insurance to cover any personal and/or property claims resulting from the event. The user agrees to indemnify the Somerset Public Schools and the Town of Somerset for any damages as a result of use of the facility by signing the facility use agreement. Somerset Public Schools reserves the right to cancel any facility use agreement whenever such cancellation is advisable and in the best interest of the students, provided the administration will make reasonable efforts to accommodate events which have been booked in advance. The Superintendent is the final arbiter in regard to the fair and equitable implementation of this policy.

Facility Use Forms

School Facility Use Policy    Application For School Facility Use    Fee Schedule